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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

COLUMN: A Clearer Perception Through Christ

I’ve been a little off lately. Well, I mean my vision has that is… but with that said, it has kind of affected my daily routine to say the least. Even now, writing this column, I’m having a little difficulty straining to see as best I can. I don’t exactly have the time to do anything about it right now, but why not?

That’s actually a good question to ask, and it’s also the perfect point to exercise. Honestly, I’ve always knew that my vision wasn’t the best growing up as a child, even as early as kindergarten. And yes, I’ve even tried the glasses thing, but personally, it’s just not me… So here I am many years later, my vision getting worse, eventually to the point of a much needed, extremely prolonged, but inevitable trip to the eye doctor. It’s something that I just have to face even though it’s not what I want. It’s what works, and that’s what’s most important.

This brings me to the point. In our lives, particularly spiritually, our vision gets clouded and at some point or another, we are unable to identity what we so desperately need to acknowledge. This poses quite the problem for ourselves and those we are around.

On the natural, vision is thought of as important. An absolute. A must have. Without it, the simplest of tasks can become, literally stumbling blocks in our path. The same is so, for us spiritually. If we attempt metaphorically, to drive with good intention, but without a clear vision which is ultimately direction, the destination will end in destruction of some sort, or possibly tragedy.

My advice to all of you, as well as to myself, “When there’s slightly a lack of judgment, or an inkling that something is amiss, do try and correct the problem while there’s still time.” God is a God of guidance and good direction, but most importantly “clear vision.” Whether, we are losing sight of what’s right or either unwilling to face a particular fact, we must remember, that God is like the good doctor, who tends to his patients every need. You just have to be willing to ask for help, and a clearer perception through Christ.

Spiritual Acknowledgments -

Proverbs 18: “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

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