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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gods Will For Man: Willing to listen...

By Joshua Mumphrey
Christian Columnist

The strong willed woman with unwavering trust in God, is someone the family held close to for comfort.
    Throughout the good and bad, happy and sad, this remarkable God-fearing woman was always there to lend a hand…
    Those very same hands she extended unconditionally don’t work as well as they once did, and those feet she used for traveling and ministering are weak, unsteady and worn.
    Those wise words of wisdom she gave, don’t seem to come out as clear or as often now days, but within her heart is joy and love of God which assures a better and brighter tomorrow regardless what she faces today.
    This mother and grandmother named Mary, is the foundation of our family and has endured so much in the past few months. From the horrifying rush to the hospital late one afternoon and the safe and settling return home, she has remained in Gods hands and grace, lifted up in “prayer” something she adamantly taught her children to do everyday of their lives.
    Three strokes and a heart attack later, my grandmothers condition has taught us a lot about ourselves we wouldn’t have known otherwise. We are reminded to be closer, to love deeper, acknowledge God more and most importantly pray. Prayer is one of the most important parts of a Christians life and it’s something we all must do regularly when our minds are burdened and our faith is weak. It provides spiritual and emotionally healing that only God can bring.
    Trials come not to hurt but to teach and to mold us into the kind of Christians God wants us to be. There is always a reason, a lesson in which God wishes us to learn or a purpose he wishes to manifest and fulfill in our lives. It is in these circumstances that we are more open, vulnerable and dependant on a higher being than ourselves. In some cases we are drawn back to Christ, like a lost lamb that was once separated from it’s good Sheppard.
    The journey of being a Christian doesn’t always come without casualties, the Holy Bible is a testament of that truth, but it doesn‘t mean God is angry or unkind. It’s his love for us that he sends us through to make us polished pure as gold, after being tried in life’s raging and fiery furnace.
    We must remember, that sometimes this journey is a lonely walk and that we all must take each step at a time, day by day, month by month, even year by year. The path does get easier, even though it seems that road blocks are at every turn. Try focusing on God and God alone. His direction never falters, allowing grace to follow as you reach your destination.
    When you have done all you can surrounded by pressure and problems, consider asking God a simple question. “What is it lord, through this situation or circumstance that you wish to teach me?
    Don’t worry, He’ll answer. You just have to be willing to hear his voice and listen.

Spiritual Acknowledgments - Isaiah 14:24

“The Lord of hosts has sworn, saying, Surely, as I have thought and planned, so shall it come to pass, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.”




Food For Thought: A little slice of heaven on earth

By Joshua Mumphrey
Christian Columnist

Dinners have always been a big part of our family and our tradition like many. Tables lined with beautiful décor, overly polished sliver wear and even matching lap napkins, would often display the seriousness and planning that went into a single evening meal.

It seems that I can still taste and smell the food even now filling the house on those long hot summers, with fresh baked bread hot out of the oven served with nicely chopped vegetables and a mouth watering steak. Oh boy, don’t I miss that good home cooking, but I also miss something a bit more.

It was always such a joyful time to laugh, cry and laugh some more. It was a great time to spend with family and friends seated all around passing well prepared dishes across the table. It was something I’d like to call, my little slice of heaven on earth.

I cherish those moments now days, not just because of the food, don’t get me wrong it was delicious, but it wasn’t what made those times so memorable. It was the time that we shared together and how much fun we had with one another. It was a perfectly healthy  recipe for happiness served with a side of laughter. I heard it’s good for the soul.

When we left at the end of each evening, we could honestly say we were full in mind and in body caught up in joy, but sometimes in life as much as we don’t want them to, things do change…

Several times in our lives we get a little complacent, and like myself a little to busy, a little too tired or swamped to care or notice. We often lose the closeness, the connection we once had by the unwanted and overbearing problems we face daily.

It gradually grows to seeing one another once a week, to twice a month and maybe three times a year. Conversation by phone just aren’t what they use to be. You can feel the distance between you gradually growing, but you’re to caught up, to bother and stressed out, so you just deal and do nothing.

This is the most common flaw in families not just in the country but in the world. We get so focused on what we can provide for each other or what’s healthy for our physical bodies, instead of focusing on what nutrients are best for our emotional and spiritual growth.

Things like a simple prayer and faith in God can help restore and remind us of what matters most. We must try doing things a little different, rearranging are hectic schedules, pushing those heavy overbearing to-do’s around, making enough time for our families.

You have to ask yourself, we all do at some point or another “What matters most in my life?” Once you truly sort through everything even the little pieces, you’ll find that closeness, that joy and happiness that was lost.

Out of everything I’ve learned about family and the many dinners we’ve shared throughout the years, is that I’m more than ever satisfied not by the natural, but by the emotional and spiritual food in my mind and thoughts. I know, they will never leave me hungry or in need for any other theoretical meal again.

It’s  the kind of food that’s priceless and hassle free. You just can’t help but enjoy!

It's good to be back...

Hello everyone, I sure hope I didn't keep you all on edge, but life got a little busy and had me kinda spread too thin. I'm back now, and ready to share stories of inspiration, hope and faith once again. God is my guide and through his gift and direction, I plan to share his messege with you all.

Thanks for reading, God Bless.
Joshua Mumphrey